Monday, March 21, 2011

Bicycle Rights!


I went for my first ride for the sake of a ride today. Nowhere to be nowhere to go, just ride. The sunshine made it a good way to start Spring Break 2011.

I also had the first of many existential cycling moments. Why bike up the hill when it would be far easier to walk? Answer: Not because I want to, but because I can

I couldn't be living in the PNW without paying homage to this video!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Panhandling for Affordable Housing

Tonight was my first night of "panhandling" at 10th and Pike in Seattle. It was a really great night I made $130 in 1 hour!! Everyone was so generous. It was a last minute plan, but totally worth it.

Thank you everyone who came out to support me. next time I get out there I'll give you more warning!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What A Week!

Wow I have had a crazy couple of weeks!

I finished my finals last night, which means only 1 more quarter of university left. A mix of sheer excitement and utter fear. It also means there are only 10 more weeks until I meet up with my team in Portland Maine to start this great Bike and Build adventure.

The next exciting event of this week was the $2000 milestone. I am officially half way to my fundraising goal!  Help me reach the next milestone $3,000. Whether you can donate $5 or $500 every contribution gets an individual or family closer to a secure home to live in. 

My bike also came this week. It arrived in its Giant cardboard box and I assembled it all by myself, but promptly had to call a good friend to check/fix my derailleur (Matt that's a shout out to you, thanks). It is truly a beautiful soon to be torture machine. I took her on a quick spin around Capitol  Hill before the rain started and the sun set.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Amazing Things on Bikes

I stumbled across this compilation video from the Bicycle Film Festival. It's really fantastic

Friday, March 4, 2011

Seattle Weather Takes Over Again

OOOOH the rain came down, came down, down down. 

Seattle in March is not a time for those who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. My hopes to get out on the corner of 10th and Pike to fundraise have been thwarted by the rain. It is cold and rainy here in the booming metropolis of Seattle but there are some rays of sunshine coming from this week.

On Wednesday I met with Micheal Seiwerath the Executive Director of Capitol Hill Housing Foundation. It is an amazing affordable housing organization working in 10 Seattle neighborhoods providing affordable housing to individuals and  families. It turns out that they run a building that I have loved since moving to Seattle. The architecture is amazing and they were able to preserve it! Their website is

In other news... My bike is on its way. I can't wait to show it to all of you!