Thank You!

Here are some of the amazing people that are making my summer with Bike & Build a reality through their generous donations

David & Dorothea Ettman

Marjorie Ridgway

Virginia Christensen

Matt Kreger

John Yells

Linda Ashcraft

Jane Seabury

Janice & Stephen Hyde

Fran Walter

Betty Ashauer

Ginny & Ott Schmiemann

Vivian Dillion

Annie & John Bachman

Claire Van Cott

Jo and Allan Merrill

Cori Hanson

Carol Gilbert

Dotty & Jim Walker

Dawn McPherson

The Asermily Family

Dr Joseph Lorenzetti

Mary Guldi

Jessica Powers

Mary-Alice Halsey

Casey Shook

Free Masons of Southampton

Liz Catt

Mary Catherine Bach