If you have been keeping up with other riders blogs then you know the basics of the trip. We wake up early we repack our bags, praying everything will fit back in there. Scarf down breakfast, pray for coffee, and hit the road. Bike, tell each other stories, fix flats, eat lunch, bike and push through the last ten miles of the ride into the host.
For the sake of time I will now bullet point my highs and lows so far.
-Leaving Pittsburg
-riding in the van for 2 days after leaving Pittsburg
-crying/walking over the mountains in Pennsylvania
-being intimately acquainted with the smell of road kill and its level of decomposition
-Mike Griffith applying chamois butter in full view of small children at a gas station
-biking along the ocean in new Hampshire
-naming my bike Mr. Ed because he runs on peanut butter
-the food from all the churches we have stayed with
-banana dogs for lunch (banana in a hotdog bun with peanut butter and honey)
-snuggle puddle
-warpaint wednesdays
-feather Fridays
-playing Ina fire hose
-mardi gras beads
-tie dye
-sleeping in a barn
-Crossing the MISSISSIPPI river!!!!!!
More to come but here ya go!
Location:West Dr,St Louis,United States
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